
Error handling

How do I format my data for uploading?

Data to be uploaded should be in either a Microsoft Excel (xlsx/xls) file or a CSV file. The file should contain either a header row with the labels MO, SC, UA, PD and AD (representing the dimensions Mobility, Self-care, Usual activities, Pain/discomfort and Anxiety/depression) or use the column label 'State' with the scores encoded in five digit format. Additional columns can be included in the file as can been seen in the image below. Both formats in the image will produce the same results. Non-numeric columns can be used for grouping data in the plots tab. An example file can be downloaded here.

I've uploaded my data. What do I do now?

Once a file of EQ-5D dimension scores has been successfully uploaded the correct EQ-5D version and value set need to be selected from side bar for the calculation of the correct index score. A table of the uploaded data and calculated index scores will be displayed in the main panel. This can be downloaded for further analysis, or the data can be visualised by clicking on the plots page. Currently there are density and ECDF plots of the calculated EQ-5D index scores as well as a radar plot of the individual dimensions. If the uploaded data included additional categorical information, it is possible to incorporate this information into the plots. To do this select the category from the 'Group by' drop down menu on the plots page. This information will also be used in the automated statistical analysis.

My EQ-5D data is missing/incomplete. What should I do?

The application will automatically skip invalid/incomplete/missing EQ-5D data. If you wish to turn this feature off (and receive an error) you can do so by deselecting the 'Ignore data with invalid/incomplete/missing dimension scores' checkbox in the 'Settings' tab.

What statistical analyses are performed?

The statistical tests are performed when a density or ECDF plot are present (for summary barplot and radar plot a summary table is generated). The test performed depends on the data and the category selected in the 'Group by' drop down. The statistical tests that can be performed can be seen in the table below. The application will automatically try to determine whether the data are paired. Paired testing may be switched off using the 'Data are paired' checkbox.

What does 'Unable to identify EQ-5D dimensions in the file header' mean?

This means it's not been possible for the software to find all of the EQ-5D dimensions in the header of the uploaded file. This could be for a few different reasons. Does the file have a header? Is the header the first row of the file? Are there any spelling mistakes?

What does 'Scores must be coded as 1, 2 or 3 for EQ-5D-3L' mean?

Dimension scores other than 1, 2 or 3 have been found in the file. These could be scores lower than 1 or higher than 3, a decimal in the 1 to 3 range or a blank or non-integer value.

Shiny app developed by Heorfy Consulting to provide methods to calculate EQ-5D Utility Index Scores from a subject's dimension score (based on the R package eq5d authored by Fraser Morton and Jagtar Singh Nijjar; see the GitHub page).

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